A display of sports clothing including tracksuit tops

A new display celebrating the legendary Clive Sullivan and rugby as a whole in Hull has opened at the Streetlife Museum.

Hull Museums has been working in partnership with the Sullivan family, rugby league teams Hull FC and Hull KR, and the Hull Roundheads rugby union team to tell the story of Hull’s strong relationship with the oval ball, and the legendary talent of Clive Sullivan, via the museum collections.

The display also includes several loans to the museum on display for the first time.

Clive Sullivan and Rugby in Hull documents the history of rugby clubs in Hull and Sullivan’s monumental achievements.

The display also looks at the development of Hull’s first inclusive rugby team, the Hull Roundheads.

Rosalyn Sullivan, wife of the late Clive Sullivan, said: “I’m delighted to lend these personal items of Clive’s to this new display that celebrates him, and rugby in Hull. 

“It’s wonderful that Clive is still remembered and appreciated in Hull.”

Portfolio holder for culture and leisure Councillor Rob Pritchard said: “Clive Sullivan meant so much to our city, a champion player for both Hull FC and Hull KR.

“In 1972 when he was selected to be captain of Great Britain’s rugby league team, this made him the first black player to lead a British national team in any major sport.

“He is remembered fondly as one of Hull’s most well-loved sporting figures and it’s very easy to see why.

“We encourage fans of both clubs to come to the Streetlife Museum to see the display – particularly in the run-up to this week’s Hull Derby.”

Clive Sullivan and Rugby in Hull is on display at the Streetlife Museum now.

Published: Wednesday, 28th June 2023