Our commitment

We want this website to be friendly, clear, and easy to use for everyone. So that as many people as possible can explore and access information about our services.

We’ve designed the website with the following accessibility principles.

Clear language

We aim to explain things clearly using simple language and short sentences. Whenever we use specialist language (like art terminology), we include definitions to explain what we mean.

Alternative ways to access information

We have tried to balance language clarity with expressing our unique personality. However, core information is always given as simply and clearly as possible.

To make things more accessible, we include different ways to access visitor info. Including:

  • Visual stories
  • Large print
  • Easy read


Where possible, we have included descriptive links for any internal or external links. This is to make it clear where a link will take you to when clicked. We have also given extra context around the link both as text and imagery.

Images and alt tags

This website features a lot of images of our venues, activities and the collections we hold. All images have text descriptions in ALT tags. This means you will still know what the image conveys if it doesn't load, you are browsing with images switched off or you are using assistive technology such as a screen reader.


Wherever possible, we include subtitles and captions in our online videos. We use YouTube to host videos, which has several accessibility features. These include the ability to change the language or increase the size of the subtitles.


The documents published on our website are PDF (portable document format) files. PDFs are accessed using a PDF file viewer such as Adobe Reader which is free to download. 

Sometimes we need to publish a document in another format such as Microsoft Word. In such cases we will also publish a PDF version of the file.

Assistive technology

We encourage you to customise your own computer with assistive technologies to suit your individual needs. For example you may like to change the colour scheme or have the site content spoken to you. 

If you’re not sure how to do this we recommend you visit BBC My Web, My Way. 
Visit the BBC website

Resizable text

It’s possible to resize the text on this website to make it easier to read. Find your web browser in the list below, then follow the steps to alter the font size.

Chrome (option 1)

  • On your keyboard, hold down the CTRL key and press the plus (+) key to make the text larger
  • Hold down the CTRL key and press the minus (-) key to make the text smaller
  • Note: if you’re using a Mac computer, hold down the Command key (⌘) not CTRL.

Chrome (option 2)

  • Select the ‘Menu’ button on the browser toolbar
  • Select ‘Settings’
  • Select ‘Show advanced settings’
  • In the web content section, use the font size dropdown to make adjustments

Firefox (option 1)

  • On your keyboard, hold down the CTRL key and press the plus (+) key to make the text larger.
  • Hold down the CTRL key and press the minus (-) key to make the text smaller

Firefox (option 2)

  • Right-click the top bar and select ‘Menu’ bar – the menu bar should appear
  • Select ‘View’ on the menu bar
  • Then select ‘Zoom’
  • Choose ‘Zoom text only’
  • Then select view menu
  • Select zoom
  • Choose ‘Zoom in’ to make the text larger or ‘Zoom out’ to make the font smaller

Apple Safari (Option 1)

  • On your keyboard, hold down the Command (⌘) key and press the plus (+) key to make the text larger
  • Hold down the Command (⌘) key and press the minus (-) key to make text smaller

Apple Safari (Option 2)

  • Select ‘View’ to highlight the menu bar
  • Press the right arrow key to open the View dropdown menu
  • Tick ‘Zoom text only’
  • Choose ‘Zoom in’ to make the text larger or ‘Zoom out’ to make the font smaller 

Improving accessibility

We have aimed to make this website as accessible as possible. But there may be some areas for improvement.

If you’re facing any barriers when using the site, please let us know. Your feedback helps us to improve our service for everyone.